Lightworker Intuition in Business

A lightworker is a person with the ability to perceive what others are thinking or feeling. This can come in handy in life, especially for those in the business world. Still, many lightworkers ignore their intuition when at work. This article shares tips on how to tune in and use your intuition to work for you in business.

Lightworkers go through an awakening experience to remind us of who we truly are in life. This awakening is to connect us when we have strayed too far from our inner wisdom, voice, and soul’s purpose. The awakening leads us to make life changes. We make self-care a priority and take time to connect with nature, the universe, and the spirit on deeper levels. We connect to the self, even if it means others drift away from us. During this time, we allow our inner voice to become louder than the external world. So, why are we so willing to step back in the process when it comes to our business?

When we start a business, it is with a deep desire to help others in some way, to guide them through their journey. It comes from a place of service, love, and empathy. Then we find ourselves overwhelmed in the modern world as a spiritual entrepreneur. We may be trying to find ourselves an awakened business, but working in a sleep state. The noise of the world overshadows our inner voice. We may end up comparing ourselves to the business of others, taking advice from the wrong type of people, and questioning our service. This can leave us with the same uncomfortable symptoms felt before an awakening. We may struggle with self-doubt, fear, judgment, comparison, and even doubt our self-worth or abilities. This can lead to burnout to the point we give up and go to work for someone else where the same pressure does not occur.

Now that you know what can happen, what can be done? The basic answer is to use all the methods that you already use to tune into your intuition and inner voice to apply to your business. Tune out the outside noise and back to the self. If your business is not working, take some time off to readjust and see what feels right or wrong for you. Ask yourself the following:

  • Does pricing need to increase or decrease?
  • Do you feel good about what is being offered?
  • Is too much time being spent on social media?
  • Is there a balance of online and offline work?
  • Are you overdoing it or not doing enough?

Adjust the areas that are needed to find a balance between rest and work, meeting goals and being drained by them. You need to feel great about your pricing without it feeling awkward. You must also be visible in your business, even if you are seen and judged by some. This will help your business work for you.


  1. The points raised about burnout and the overwhelming noise of the modern world are valid. It’s critical for entrepreneurs to find a balance that does not compromise their mental health or the quality of their service.

  2. The concept of lightworkers applying their intuitive abilities to business is intriguing. It makes sense that aligning one’s inner voice with business decisions could lead to more authentic and effective outcomes.

    • I agree. Integrating personal wisdom with professional endeavors could indeed offer unique advantages. It’s important to remain true to oneself in both personal and professional spheres.

  3. The article brings to light a unique perspective on the integration of spirituality and business. Reflecting on one’s inner voice and intuition could indeed lead to more genuine business practices.

  4. It’s interesting to consider how spiritual practices can influence business operations. However, it’s important to ensure that such practices are balanced with practical strategies to ensure sustained growth.

  5. I appreciate the emphasis on self-care and the reminder to align business activities with personal well-being. Entrepreneurs often neglect this aspect, leading to burnout and dissatisfaction.

  6. The practical questions suggested for evaluating one’s business are very useful. Regularly assessing aspects like pricing, social media use, and workload balance can guide necessary adjustments.

    • Indeed. Routine self-assessment is a key factor in maintaining both personal well-being and business health. It helps to identify areas needing change before they become problematic.

  7. The notion of an ‘awakened business’ resonates deeply. It implies a business that not only functions efficiently but also aligns with the entrepreneur’s core values and purpose.

    • Yes, an awakened business could potentially drive greater satisfaction and success, as it’s not merely about profitability but also about fulfilling a deeper mission.

  8. While the idea of tuning into one’s intuition is appealing, it’s also crucial to balance intuition with data-driven decision-making in business. Both elements can coexist and complement each other.


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