Medieval Divination

There are book that are found in museums that talk about medieval divination. This is something that has been studied by people that specialize in medieval medicine and other studies.

Understanding Divination

Divination is how you can reach into the future and get information. This is something that has been around since ancient times, and it has been used to interpret things such as spots on a liver to citing lots using animal bones or dice and even reading the way that the birds fly. This is known as augury.

During the 12th and 13th centuries, Greek and Arabic texts were translated, and it showed that there was a huge knowledge of magic and of divination and this went throughout different countries such as France, Germany, England, and Italy.

There are universities that study medieval times, and they will look at magical texts because divination is something that holds so many different ideas such as astrological ideas, music, geometry and more.

Those that look at divination will see that there are different people that would call upon others for insight into the future and that these collections of texts were used in history, philosophy, and science.

Using Divination

Divination has instructions and some of them are found from medieval times. These things can require many things and foretelling the future has to be understood before it can even be done. People that are interested in this magical practice are often fascinated by the different things that were used during the Renaissance and Middle Ages.

Fortune Telling and Magic

There are people that believe in magic and fortune telling and they look at things like crystal balls, dice, and other natural things that are used to tell into the future. There are people that study the idea of divination around the world, and they have broken down the ideas of tarot cards and other tools such as oracle bones that have been used during ancient and present times.

There are many manuscripts that are used about the divination system and as they learn these things, they can realize that there is a lot of magic that is seen around the world. Some also feel that magic relates to other things that are questions like the Loch Ness monster and if other things are real or not.

Some believe that the fate of the universe is one that can be scary, and they don’t go beyond rather they believe in it or not because they are afraid of upsetting the gods of the universe.


Fasting is one thing that was often used during medieval magical times. Fasting is not eating and denying the body nutrients. Some believe that this was not real and that sometimes fasting was just not eating animal products.

There were fast days that were put into the medieval calendar, and these were plant-based diets on those days, and they would do these diets before they would do any kind of divination. By creating vegan dishes, it would encourage the magic.

Fasting is often considered hard because it is remembering not to eat out of habit and to do away with things that someone is used to eating. This can lead to hunger that isn’t satisfied and can be something that can bring a positive income by denying the flesh.


The manuscripts also talked about the ceremonies that would be used to read fortunes and to tell into the future. There were different ways that people would do divination such as rolling dice, reading things out of a book, and asking the gods to reveal thing. Sometimes the book would tell people that the gods might give them answers or that they could be in trouble for failing to take action that they were told to take.

Discovering Medieval Divination

It and be hard to use medieval divination if it is something that you aren’t used to doing. This is something that you can look at if you are interested in magic and you will see that it can help you to understand it more.

Engaging in this kind of divination can be fun for people that like to look at magic and those that need to do some kind of self-reflection. There are different ceremonies that were performed and when you look at this kind of divination and see that the information is there, you can use it in a creative way to do your magic.

Divination can help you to look at the different outcomes of life and the meanings that can come with your life. It can help you to decide if you want to live your life the way that you are or if you need to change paths. You might want to try different kinds of divination and see what works best for you.

Medieval divination can lead you on a path of motivation and even if you aren’t good at interpreting it, you can use it and see that there are different things that can help you to lead your best life. There are some that use modern versions of the medieval practices, and they help them to look at predictions and how they can or might not come true.

What Can Medieval Divination Do for You?

Medieval divination can show you that there is no reason to be afraid or no reason to think that you will fail no matter what you do. Even if you aren’t able to get the information that you need, you will see that there are different kinds of magic that you can use to make your own life better and more fulfilled.


  1. The article mentions the translation of Greek and Arabic texts in the 12th and 13th centuries. This cross-cultural exchange must have significantly enriched the European understanding of divination.

  2. It’s noticeable how divination was not just about foretelling the future but also a form of self-reflection and decision-making. This aspect seems to parallel some modern self-help practices.

  3. It’s fascinating how medieval divination integrates various disciplines like astrology, geometry, and music. The intersection of these fields must offer unique perspectives.

    • Indeed, the interdisciplinary nature of divination is what makes it intriguing. It reflects the holistic approach to knowledge in medieval times.

    • This integration highlights how interconnected different areas of knowledge were historically, providing a richer understanding of each.

  4. Discussing modern interpretations of medieval practices shows how historical traditions can evolve and adapt to contemporary contexts. It’s a reminder of the dynamic nature of cultural practices.

  5. Learning about the methods and tools used in medieval divination, like dice and crystal balls, gives us insight into the cultural practices and beliefs of that era.

  6. The practice of fasting before divination is an interesting tradition. It shows a level of discipline and preparation that might enhance the perceived efficacy of the rituals.

  7. The concept of divination being used for motivation and life guidance is interesting. It suggests that these practices were as much about personal development as they were about predicting the future.

    • It’s possible that the structured nature of these ceremonies offered a form of cognitive relief, helping practitioners to organize their thoughts and feelings.

    • Yes, and it also points to the psychological aspects of divination, wherein the process itself might provide clarity and focus to individuals.

  8. The mention of fear in upsetting the gods during divination practices indicates a deep cultural and religious context that governed these activities. This highlights the importance of understanding historical context in such studies.


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