The animal kingdom is full of deception; many creatures practice camouflage to avoid predators, whereas species such as the possum pretend to be dead before attacking their prey. However, only humans are capable of lying outright. It’s part of our survival instincts when we wish to prevent ourselves from encountering adversity, or when we tell white lies to prevent other people’s feelings from being hurt.

Lie detection usually requires logical deduction, and a bare-faced liar is usually easy to catch out. However, when it comes to people you don’t know so well, it can be difficult to properly recognize that they are lying. With these 4 tips, it will be harder for liars to take advantage of you in the future.

The Body Never Lies

Lying produces a chemical reaction that causes to body to betray the validity of the liar. Those who are experienced in reading people can usually deduce a falsity on sight, but the truth is that it’s impossible to list all the ways of telling whether someone is pulling your leg.

One of the most common myths of lie detection is the ‘eye contact’ rule, which dictates that if a person averts their gaze when answering your question, they’re lying. However, a person may be under pressure from your interrogation and buckling to stress, or they may simply suffer from an anxiety disorder. In reality, body language is only part of the process.

Trust Your Gut

Although body language is indeed hard to summarize in an article of this size, it is worth noting that your own body will perceive some of these minute changes in a person’s behavior. Your intuition is your greatest asset in spotting lies, and the liar’s je ne sais quoi will register instantly as something untrustworthy.

Be careful here, though; often when your intuition picks up subtle changes in someone’s aura, it may be that they are merely anxious over something unrelated (this, of course, affects their speech patterns). You should always trust your gut, but do not allow it to blindly lead you into confrontation.

Make Some Inquiries

If you are struggling with your intuition—and it certainly happens—make some inquiries to your higher self. Ask for a signal that might confirm one way or another whether a person is lying; for instance, you could say, “If Sandra is telling the truth, a stranger will ask me for the time this afternoon.” It can be anything, but it must be specific. (Of course, if someone asks you for the time on the following day, don’t second guess yourself.)


This is one of the most advanced methods of lie detection. Practice is certainly required in this instance; you can do this with a friend. Ask them to tell you something that is either true or false, and then quietly attempt to deduce, through telepathy, if they are telling the truth. Switch up your roles after a few attempts.

You can even practice telepathy at parties, which is a fun pastime. However, it all comes in handy, because telepathy is difficult (especially when it comes to lie detection), and it’s genuinely helpful if you can spot lies before they become too damaging.



  1. While the article provides practical tips, I think more emphasis on evidence-based techniques would be beneficial.

  2. The role of intuition in lie detection is quite fascinating. It’s interesting to consider how our bodies can pick up on subtle cues even if we can’t always articulate them.

  3. The complexity of human behavior underscores the challenge of lie detection. It’s not a one-size-fits-all approach and requires a multifaceted strategy.

  4. The article raises interesting points about human behavior and deception. It’s fascinating how the body can betray lies even when words don’t.

  5. The notion of inquiring with your higher self is an intriguing concept, but it seems less scientific compared to other methods discussed. Still, it might offer some peace of mind for individuals looking for affirmation.

  6. The dismissal of the ‘eye contact’ myth is an important point. Often, behavioral cues can be misleading if not considered in context.

  7. I appreciate the blend of psychology and intuition in lie detection. The suggestion to rely on gut feelings is particularly enlightening.

  8. The blend of intuition and body language for lie detection is compelling. Experimenting with telepathy sounds interesting, albeit unconventional.

    • Indeed, telepathy is unconventional but could be valuable in understanding human interactions better.

  9. I’ve never considered asking the ‘higher self’ for signals before. It’s a unique approach to truth verification.

  10. It’s true that catching liars can be complex. The article’s holistic approach is intriguing, though telepathy seems far-fetched.

  11. Although telepathy seems like a stretch, the idea of training oneself to recognize lies through practice has some merit. It could be a useful skill in various professional fields.

  12. The idea of using telepathy for lie detection seems unscientific. More empirical evidence would be appreciated.

  13. The idea that the body never lies complements the notion that intuition can be a powerful tool. However, balancing intuition with rational analysis is essential.

  14. Observing body language as part of lie detection makes sense, but it’s clear that relying solely on this can lead to false assumptions. It’s a complex interplay of factors.

  15. While some methods like telepathy might seem unconventional, exploring various approaches to understanding human behavior can provide deeper insights into lie detection.


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