You could have heard about clairvoyance in most of the psychics but do you know what it really means? The term clairvoyance (from French clair meaning “clear” and voyance meaning “vision”) is used to refer to the ability to gain information about an object, person, location or physical event through means other than the known senses, i.e., a form of extrasensory perception.

Usually, the physical sense that you excel at during your life (for instance, the way you learn best in school) will be your best bet to explore on a higher vibration. In my case, I had an eidetic (or photographic) memory. This comes in handy, because the visions come to me in a flash, and it is helpful to remember them clearly.

Those that are more visual in nature may notice that when they gaze dreamily at clouds, images will appear to them. People report seeing animals, angels and a variety of things, but I most often see faces in the clouds.

My first manifestation of Clairvoyance came when I began to detect auras. I further practiced Clairvoyance by reading tea leaves – and when reading palms, faces would appear in the hand. When I described the faces, people connected with them. One woman asked me if I would recognize the face I described if she showed me a photograph. It was not only the same man, but wearing the same military uniform! The vision I had seen was of that very photograph! I have since learned that photographs are the best way to capture a face, because it is static. Before that, the faces would often talk, laugh, and move about, so it was harder to describe them.

Fortune teller with her crystal ball

It is important when allowing a vision that you be very relaxed. The vision must come to you, rather than you “trying” to seek the vision. Some deep breathing techniques are helpful here. If you are wishing to receive visions with your eyes open, it is helpful to soften your gaze while in an altered state (brought about by the deep breathing).

Most of the visions I receive while on the phone are of the closed eye variety. A symbol may appear, or, at the client’s request, I may fast forward to a place where they will live or work in the future.

When working with private clients, I feel freer to take the time to project a vision of a face onto a scrap of paper, and trace the image that appears. I will do this by special request from psychic network clients, with the understanding that it takes time for the image to appear, for me to trace the image, and for me to describe it to you. I seldom see faces with my eyes closed. Weird, huh?

Each Clairvoyant has their own particular style of course. I am only describing my own. Your style, as it develops, can take you wherever you and your guides wish to go.

It is a gift that will continue to amaze and delight you as you develop it!


  1. Relaxation and deep breathing techniques being essential for receiving visions aligns well with many meditative practices.

    • Yes, these techniques are widely recognized for their ability to alter states of consciousness and focus the mind.

  2. While the personal anecdotes are fascinating, it would be beneficial to have more empirical evidence supporting these claims.

  3. The narrative style used to describe these experiences is compelling and adds a personal touch to the subject of clairvoyance.

  4. It’s interesting that the author mentions different styles of clairvoyance. This diversity suggests that the experience is highly subjective and personal.

  5. I wonder if there are any neurological studies that correlate clairvoyant experiences with brain activity patterns.

  6. The author’s journey in developing their clairvoyant abilities highlights the potential for personal growth and self-discovery through such practices.

  7. The concept of clairvoyance as described seems to heavily rely on visual cues, which makes me ponder whether people with different dominant senses might experience it differently.


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