images (2)Are you ready to live a life that you love? Would you like to lose weight naturally, find the courage to do some thing new? Or how about finding some clarity and space in your life?
Clearing out your clutter is a very simple, but powerful healing tool that you can use to heal and transform your life. So, how does this work? Clearing clutter gets rid of the old stuff in your life and in the process it creates new space in your life. This allows for new possibilities to flow naturally and easily into your life…
A 4-Way Intersection

Think of decluttering as the intersection where Feng Shui, the Law of Abundance, the Law of Attraction and time management all meet and provide you with a clear path to freedom. Can you imagine having more time, more space, increased focus and creativity? Not only that, but when you clear the clutter you can transform your life in so many more ways—less stress, better sleep and even weight loss.

What a Feeling

Being in a room that’s clean, clear and open just feels better than being in a room that’s full of clutter and crap. Imagine finding what you need in mere seconds, rather than having to wade through mountains of junk.

Just Start Somewhere

Just start somewhere, whether it’s an entire room or little piles of clutter throughout your home or office. Once you get going there will be no stopping you, but don’t expect to finish everything in a day. With every inch of space you recover and reclaim, you’ll regain the energy you lost to clutter. And when you’re done, make sure you maintain a clutter-free area for continued bliss.

images (4)Junk Piles

If you have a lot of piles of junk in your house, you can tackle each one by organizing the junk in each pile. Have sorting boxes ready. You can label them: trash, donations, crafts, bills, etc.

Closet Junk

You’ve got clothing that no longer fits you and outfits that are no longer in style. You’ve got purses you don’t use and shoes that hurt when you wear them (so you never do). Get rid of it all. Donate what you haven’t worn in months to charity.

Cabinet Junk

Your cabinets are filled with junk. Whether it’s old appliances or appliances you never used buried in the back, go through it all, see what works, think about what you need and trash or donate the rest.

Food Junk

This is going to be a little gross, so put on some plastic gloves and go through your fridge and pantry. Toss out old, expired food and spices you don’t ever use. If what you have is still edible and usable, consider donating it to a food pantry.

Bathroom Junk

Get rid of expired beauty products and old, ratty towels. Have a skin treatment that never worked for you? Throw it away.

Car Junk

Go through your car and clean out all the old gas receipts and food trash. Look everywhere—under the seats and in the glove compartment.

The Laws of Attraction and Abundance

When it comes to the Law of Attraction and the Law of Abundance, holding on to things you don’t need tells the universe that you fear and expect you’ll never have more or better and that you have no need (and certainly no room) for anything else in your life. Clutter keeps you stagnant and stuck.

images (3)Feng Shui

When you clear the clutter, energy flows through your life and the space around you in a natural and uplifting way. Consider starting where you sleep. Keep nothing under your bed.

Take the first step. You don’t need nearly as much stuff as you think you do.


  1. Overall, this article provides a structured approach to decluttering, which can be quite beneficial for someone looking for a starting point.

  2. I appreciate the emphasis on practical steps like labeling sorting boxes. This makes the daunting task of decluttering more manageable.

  3. Integrating Feng Shui with the Law of Attraction provides a holistic approach to creating a more balanced life. Worth considering.

  4. Clearing the clutter to allow for new possibilities is an interesting concept. It aligns well with the idea of removing mental blocks.

  5. The section on different types of junk—closet, cabinet, food, etc.—is very practical. It’s a good way to break down the task.

  6. The idea of using decluttering as a healing tool is quite intriguing. It makes sense that a cleaner space could lead to a clearer mind.

  7. I have always believed in the power of organization. This article reinforces the benefits of decluttering beyond just cleanliness.

  8. The comparison to a 4-way intersection is an interesting analogy. It helps visualize how different principles can work together to improve one’s life.


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