Make Your Home Safe with Cleansing

Cleansing your home can make your home safe and secure. There are some reasons that you should cleanse your home such as:

    • After someone has been sick. Being sick can cause stress and negative energies.
    • When you have mourned. Mourning can cause you to have grief and sadness and this brings negativity.
    • Arguing or complaining. Doing this in the home makes negative energy.
    • Changes are made. When you move, get married, have a baby or other big changes you need to cleanse the energy to make room for good energies to come.
    • When you have no progress, you need to get your space in shape.
    • Having clutter can block the flow of energy and can keep positivity out.

When you want to have a space that is full of positive energy and get rid of negative energy then you can make small changes to make this happen.

It isn’t hard and it might take some work and patience, but you can do it! Here’s how!

  • Smudging

Smudging has been done since ancient times from healers and shamans. You can burn sage to cleanse the air and you can do this and get rid of negative energy. This can allow positive energy to come into your space.

It is important to use things like Juniper, Sweetgrass, Sage and other plants and then to smudge to the north, south, east, and west.

When you smudge, try these things!

    • Buy it from a metaphysical shop.
    • Keep your candles close so that you can light the smudging stick if it goes out.
    • Keep a fireproof bowl close to catch the ashes.
    • Use a bowl of sand to burn out the smudge stick when done.
  • Use Crystals and Stones

Crystals and stones can be placed throughout your space to bring in positive energies. There are protective crystals such as:

    • Black Tourmaline.
    • Spirit Quartz.
    • Blue Kyanite

These stones need to be in places where there is a lot of people that go in and out. Some stones can be put under your pillow while you sleep.

  • Dream Catchers

According to Native American cultures dream catchers can help you to have protection when you dream. You can hang these over your space where you sleep to bring in good vibrations and to get rid of negativity. This can get rid of nightmares. Hanging a dream catcher can get rid of negative energy when you sleep but some say not to touch the web, or it can keep your nightmares there.

  • Salt Lamp

Salt lamps like Himalayan salt lamps can benefit your area by using negative ions that get rid of toxins in the air. It is believed to get rid of negative energy. Put this on your nightstand where you sleep.

  • Change the Room Around

According to Feng Shui you can change the way that the room is set up to get rid of negative energy. Doing this helps the chi energy to flow correctly and peacefully. You can put the furniture in a polygonal spatial pattern and use rectangular or square furniture.

  • Essential Oils

Use essential oils to make the scents in your home inviting. These also can bring healing and protection to your home. Some essential oils can be sprayed around your home to get rid of bad energies. Essential oils like Sandalwood can get rid of fear and other negativity. Some can even be used on your pillow to help you sleep.

  • Use Plants

Using plants can both get rid of negative energy, and it can purify the air in your area. Plants can get rid of illnesses and can bring on healing. Keep a plant in every room.

  • Get Rid of Broken Things

According to Feng Shui, once again, broken items can bring bad vibrations into your home. Make sure that you get rid of things that are broken and that you get rid of clutter. This will get rid of negativity, and it will bring forth positive flow. Things like electronics, furniture and décor that no longer work or are broken should be thrown away.

  • Bells

You can ring bells to bring healing into your home. This is a way to sooth the vibrations and to get rid of negativity. Ringing a bell in a room that feels stressful or heavy can renew your energy.

  • Music

Music can help to change the vibrations in your home, and it can get rid of negative energy. Listen to your favorite music and even dance to it. Doing this can help you to be grounded and to feel better overall.


  1. It’s interesting how many cultural and spiritual practices are integrated into the process of home cleansing.

  2. Using essential oils and plants for home cleansing can also contribute to better indoor air quality, which is an added benefit.

  3. Dream catchers and salt lamps are intriguing additions, although I would like to see more empirical evidence of their efficacy.

    • Agreed. These items are often marketed heavily, but it’s unclear how effective they really are in eliminating negative energy.

    • While empirical evidence might be lacking, the psychological comfort these items provide shouldn’t be underestimated.

  4. Music and bells for cleansing the environment seem accessible and non-intrusive methods. They also have immediate sensory impacts.

  5. The use of smudging and crystals seems rooted in ancient practices, but I wonder if there is scientific evidence supporting their effectiveness.

  6. I appreciate the emphasis on physical changes like decluttering and the arrangement of furniture as per Feng Shui principles.

  7. Overall, the article offers a comprehensive guide to various ways of cleansing a home, catering to both physical and spiritual aspects.

  8. The article provides practical steps and a variety of options for cleansing a home, which could be useful for different types of households.


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