Are We Reborn Several Times

Some believe humans are reborn several times to continue on their spiritual journey to the highest level of transcendence. People who teach this think people go through seven lives to achieve this type of ultimate spirituality.

Each of the seven lives focuses on one area of your soul that needs work. Ultimately, the idea is all areas eventually learn what they must learn and, when that happens, you no longer need to be reborn.

There is also the idea that each of us goes through these stages throughout our lives and are listed as phases of life. Below are the seven categories, or lives, for you to determine which applies to you.

The Infant

In this life, everything feels new and strange. Nothing makes sense and yo tend to feel overwhelmed. Your efforts fail and circumstances work out the opposite of how you plan. It is challenging.

The Learner

This is when you understand how the world works, so you spend your time learning about it. You seek to understand emotions, yourself, and other people. You want to know what people think the way they do and why they behave as they do. You seek to discover what you were meant to do. You aren’t driven to success or fame and have questions that bother you.

The Explorer

This is a time when you are interested in new thoughts, places, and ideas. You look at pictures wishing you could travel. You crave new experiences. There is a nagging feeling that you have so much to do with so little time to do it.

The Lover

This is the life that focuses on love. Your soul is mature enough now to want and handle true love. If you find yourself constantly thinking about true love, finding your soul mate and feel that is the one thing missing from your life, then this is the phase you are in. You will put effort into finding love but will be rewarded for it because this is the love that stays.

The Achiever

This is the time you will accomplish great things because you will incorporate all you have learned in the past to do it. Everything works out well for you here. It seems like everything magically falls into place at just the right time. You are close to success and find that you are both excited and anxious because you feel it will happen any day. Success will find you.

The Giver

This is someone who has had all the good things of life and now wants to give back. Those in this phase or life feel like they need to serve others and this service takes up the majority of their time and energy. Your life in gratitude for past abundance and want to pass your lessons learned on to others. You want to help others find their way as you have.


In this life, you are almost above human in that you don’t participate in the small, mundane issues life brings. You pursue something greater. You feel there is a bigger calling for your life and also feel like you don’t belong here. You hate drama and superficial talk. You don’t like people arguing over trivial matters. You desire knowledge and prefer to pursue it in isolation. If this is how you feel, you don’t belong in this world.

Whether you believe in different lives or simply different phases, understanding each aspect will help you grow as a person and make the best time of your life now.


  1. I appreciate how this article breaks down the complexities of personal development into understandable stages. It provides a clear framework for self-reflection.

  2. This concept of spiritual growth through multiple lives offers an interesting lens through which to view personal development. It seems to categorize different life stages in a way that provides purpose and direction.

  3. While the stages presented are thought-provoking, I wonder how this model integrates with contemporary psychological theories of development.

    • Good point. It would be valuable to examine how these spiritual stages align with or diverge from established psychological frameworks like Erikson’s stages of psychosocial development.

  4. The inclusion of the ‘Explorer’ and ‘Learner’ stages resonates with me. It seems to encourage a lifelong pursuit of knowledge and new experiences, which is essential for personal growth.

  5. It is an interesting approach to classify stages of life, though it might be more metaphorical than literal. The practical application of these stages in everyday life could provide a roadmap for personal growth.

  6. Understanding these spiritual stages can foster a deeper sense of purpose and motivation. Even for those who may not believe in reincarnation, it can serve as a useful metaphor for personal development.

  7. This model’s stages, such as ‘The Achiever’ and ‘The Giver’, can be inspirational for those looking to understand their current life phase and set future goals.

  8. The idea of progressing through specific stages to reach transcendence is intriguing. It draws parallels with various philosophical and religious beliefs that emphasize personal growth and enlightenment.


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