You’ve been sexual with someone that didn’t work out and now you’re tempted to create drama by getting sexually involved with people who aren’t the best for you. Don’t beat yourself up! You’re having a full life, and that’s better than being in a coma.
You’re human. Maybe you’ve not always been perfect with sexual temptations.
Sexual Awareness

Step back and be aware when you’re craving sex and when you lose your judgment in this area. It will never be perfect, but you can grow in awareness of when getting involved with someone is a waste of your energy and could cause problems. Sexual attractions and temptations are a part of life.
The relationships we’re in help us learn lessons about ourselves. If the relationship doesn’t work out, it can be practice for the next one. Even relationships that end give us gifts.
Tempestuous Relationships Inspire

Watch the slippery slope of events that leads to acting out. People don’t just hop into bed. First, there are conversations in which you bond. Then, “Let’s meet for coffee.” This progresses to meeting alone at their place.
You’re operating in integrity when you fight biology and think about the consequences. There are triggering images out there online and in films. The beauty of the body is not wrong. Just watch if certain images set you up for cravings that keep sex on your mind so much you’re tempted to act inappropriately.
These temptations are our ego wanting to experience a state of being admired, connected, and understood. That’s only human, but the secret we forget is that this state is something INSIDE you, not outside you in the other person. They just help you get to that state. They are not the magic elixir that will make you happy. Don’t idealize them.
Sexual Attractions Can Become an Emotional Roller Coaster

But what comes up, must come down. It’s eventually taken away and the high doesn’t keep building. Sexual energy wanes. Now you’re acting needy, wondering why they didn’t return your call. You’re moping around instead of creating your life.
Don’t pin your self-worth onto another person, but stay grounded in your own identity and fully engage with all the aspects of your life. It’s perfectly OK to take time to recharge. If you get knocked off the horse, take a little time to regroup then get back on again, wiser and stronger than ever!
The analogy of puppies sniffing around a garbage can was quite vivid. It certainly drives home the point about youthful indiscretions.
Using examples like Picasso and Woody Allen adds a cultural context that enriches the discussion. It shows how personal experiences can influence one’s creative output.
The concept of not idealizing others and recognizing that the state of being admired comes from within is quite profound. It encourages introspection.
The advice to stay grounded in your own identity and not pin your self-worth on another person is so important. It’s a reminder to focus on personal growth.
The article provides a balanced perspective on managing sexual temptations. It’s important to reflect on our actions and learn from past experiences.
The idea that relationships, even those that end, can offer us gifts and lessons is a healthy perspective.
Indeed. Each relationship contributes to personal growth and understanding, irrespective of its duration or outcome.
Interesting take on sexual awareness. It reminds me that self-awareness is key to making better choices in any area of life.
The mention of sexual attractions becoming an emotional roller coaster is very true. It’s easy to lose oneself in the highs and lows.