Love makes you go crazy and do something crazy like stalking your partner on facebook, instagram etc. Nobody likes to feel threatened by another woman. If you’re seeing a man who has publicly pledged his loyalty to someone else, you might feel tempted to stalk him on social media.

He says he’ll leave her, but how do you know that’s the truth? Social media might hold the answers.

Look for Photos and Status Updates

Check your boyfriend’s social media for pictures and posts that allude to his current relationship. Does he seem happy? Has he posted love letters to his wife or steady girlfriend? If so, he’s probably happy enough in the partnership to stay, which means that you stand to get hurt.

Check for Relationship Status Changes

Sometimes, you can detect discord in a relationship via social media. If your lover has recently changed his status from “married” or “in a relationship” to “single” or “it’s complicated,” you might stand a chance. He could be preparing to leave his current partner, in which case consider seeing how the future progresses.

Consider Personal Attachments

A man who’s committed to his wife, children, aging parents, and other facets of his domestic life probably won’t leave. A clairaudient can help you determine the strength of your partner’s attachments so you’ll know what to expect. When you’re the other woman, you constantly compete with your lover’s existing attachments. Sometimes, you’re better off letting go of the relationship and finding someone who has more freedom.

Look at Your Own Motivations

Why do you want to pursue this relationship? Do you hold a grudge against your lover’s current wife or girlfriend? How would you feel if the relationship ended? Sometimes, love blinds women to their true motivations, so consider asking a phone psychic to help you suss out your emotions. An objective voice who has a direct line to the spirits might offer insights that you wouldn’t have otherwise considered.

Consult a Professional

Maybe you need to talk to someone about your feelings and situation. An online psychic can give intuitive advice. You might also consider seeing a therapist who specializes in relationships, anxiety, or depression, depending on how you feel. Working through your emotions verbally can help you better understand your feelings. Plus, if you sense that your boyfriend will never leave his current relationship, you might need help letting go.

Consider the Statistics

Just 5 percent of men actually leave their wives for their mistresses. Even more troubling, when men leave their wives, their relationships with the other woman rarely last. If you’re looking for a long-term relationship, you might want to start fresh with someone who’s unencumbered by an existing relationship. Otherwise, the numbers suggest that your romance will fail.

Talk About Social Media

Your boyfriend might ask you to avoid contacting him on social media, publishing photos of him, or otherwise giving his current partner the opportunity to find out about your relationship. This is very telling. If mentioning social media puts your lover on edge, it’s time to back out of the relationship.

Are you sick of stalking your boyfriend on social media? Follow the above tips to get a handle on the relationship before you get hurt.


  1. It’s essential to evaluate the attachment levels of your partner. This can provide insights into whether pursuing the relationship further is likely to be worthwhile.

  2. Statistics mentioned in the article highlight the low probability of success for relationships that start under such circumstances. It’s worth reflecting on these numbers.

  3. Seeking advice from professionals like therapists or psychics can be useful, but it’s essential to combine such advice with personal reflections and rational decision-making.

  4. The article rightly points out the importance of understanding your partner’s existing commitments. It can prevent future heartache and aid in making informed decisions.

  5. The article raises important questions about the complexities of relationships and the potential consequences of engaging in them with someone who is already committed.

  6. Social media can be a double-edged sword in modern relationships. It is important to use it wisely and avoid unnecessary emotional turmoil.

  7. It’s prudent to consider personal motivations and potential outcomes before getting involved in a relationship with someone who is not fully available.

  8. The advice to consult a therapist is sound. Emotional clarity is crucial in any relationship, especially when navigating complex situations involving third parties.


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